
Submitted by admin on Tue, 05-Nov-2024 - 04:30

This is a Subject Combination Exercise for Secondary Two students going on to Secondary Three in 2025.

Students are advised to choose their subject combinations based on their interests, career aspirations and strengths. Students can refer to the SOE site for more information on specific subjects:

Placement is dependent on academic merit, preference for subject combinations, and availability of places in the chosen option.

Legend for SS : Social Studies, a compulsory component of Humanities.

Express: 6 Choices
Normal (A): 5 Choices
Normal (T): 4 Choices


Registration Period18 Oct (Fri) 7am to 22 Oct (Tue) 11:59pm
Check Allocation Results5 Nov (Tue) 7am
Appeal Period6 Nov (Wed) 7am to 8 Nov (Fri) 12pm
Check Appeal Results14 Nov (Thu) 7am

Student may download the Online Userguide (See Attachment) for reference.

If you have problem with the login, please send eMail to with the following info:
1. School:
2. Class:
3. Name:
4. Username:
5. Password:

Attachment Size
User Guide for NA/NT 640.31 KB
User Guide for Express 610.04 KB
User Guide for Appeals 162.93 KB